How to Get Your Family to Support Your Diet

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How to Get Your Family to Support Your Diet

We always start out with the best of intentions. We embark on a change for the better, whether it be our health, a new business, or even just undertaking a new hobby. When you really look at it, just about everything set out to do has some positive intent. We change our eating habits so that we can feel better and have more energy for our families, or so that we have more stamina at the office so that we can support our families. We make changes to our businesses so that we can generate more revenue and help more people (which can ultimately benefit our families and our health as well).

So then why is it that one of the leading reasons that diets and health changes fail is because of extrinsic factors like our environments? If you ask any person that is dramatically changing their habits (even if for the better), they will tell you that one of the most difficult things they face is keeping on track in spite of the fact that their spouse (or other family member) isn’t on board with the process, or gets frustrated with the choices that have to be made. There is something that we, as a whole, are missing when we set sail on a diet or a self-fulfilling venture such as improving ourselves…

It’s not selfishness that causes this with our family environments. Our families see selfishness day in and day out and more often then not we are all somewhat immune to it. The idea that we do things for ourselves is no mystery. You can’t help others before you help yourself, and your family respects that, but we are likely approaching it all wrong.

I wrote this blog to give you three solid ways that you can help motivate your family to support your diet or most any other change for the positive without aggravating their insecurities and forcing them to do it with you.

Number 1 – Do it For Yourself

The first thing that you can do to get your family on board is to let it be known that you are doing this for yourself. The sooner they realize that you’re investing in yourself, the more appreciation they can have for the situation at hand. All too often we put out into the universe that we are doing this for others, and it doesn’t always bode well with others… why? Because humans are receptive to emotions, and when it is something as evident as health and wellness, and more so, performance, it’s as clear as day that this is a project for ourselves… the benefits to others are just a bonus that comes with the territory.

Most people, men and women, are attracted to confidence, and when you manage to express interest in improving yourself in a positive way (yet not selfish and obsessive) there is an underlying level of attractiveness to that. The second that you relinquish ownership of what you’re doing, you begin to not take it as serious.

So what can you do specifically in this case? Verbally take ownership of what you are doing and relieve duties from your spouse. You can tell them, “Hey, I’m going to be investing a bit of time into myself when it comes to my health and it is going to be a positive thing for me. I’ll have more energy and more stamina and it is going to make me happier.”

This allows your family to formulate their own emotion to this. Anyone with eyes could see that if you’re happier and have more energy, it is going to reflect back on them down the road. Let your family become emotionally invested by giving it that thought.

Number 2 – Follow Through

Since the dawn of time, we crave nurturing and to feel valued, but we also crave being taken care of and supported, be it emotionally, financially, spiritually, or all of the above. When we commit to something, it is important to follow through, mainly because of the message that it sends to our spouses.

If you promise yourself and your spouse that you’re going to stick to a diet and you don’t follow through, what kind of message does that send?

Look at it from the other side. You’re investing time and energy into supporting your spouses diet, time focusing on business, or pleasure hobby. Maybe it’s a bit tough and frustrating at times because of the sacrifices here and there. But imagine the feeling of despair and disappointment (not to mention resentment) that you would feel if your spouse absolutely blew it and went of track, destroying all of their progress. Wouldn’t it have felt like a waste of time?

You simply cannot expect your external environment to support you if the standard response is failure on your own accord. If you stick to what you’re proposing, you’re going to not just succeed on your own mission, but you’re more likely to keep your spouse interested in you as well… you become a provider.

Number 3 – Stop Rubbing it In Their Faces

Not everyone feels excited for other people’s successes, and that doesn’t mean that you need to keep your pride completely at bay, but you do need to be cognizant of your spouse’s possible insecurities.

We all have them. Insecurities are nothing to be ashamed of, you work at them and eventually resolve them, so we can’t harp on others for having insecurities when we more than likely have a myriad of our own. But what we can do it be aware of how our successes might begin to make our spouses feel inferior and therefore begin to resent the process.

This by no-means means that you are in unhealthy relationship if your spouse becomes a bit jealous of what you’re doing. In fact, if you ask most people that are dieting, they’ll tell you they pick up on the tension from their significant others. So how do you combat this situation?

You keep humble and let the actions speak for themselves. If you continue to be yourself and you don’t develop an arrogant attitude through the process, you can quite possibly motivate your spouse to hop on board with you rather then make it difficult for you to continue. Again, why on earth would you want to continue to support something that is making you feel uncomfortable or subordinate?

It’s easy to get frustrated when things don’t seem to go your way at home, but the most important thing that you can do is remain mindful of the situation and not lose your values. You will likely begin to run circles around those that aren’t taking proactive steps in their lives, but rather than being the loud mouth, get out there and continue taking action while showing compassion. It turns you from a spouse that needs supporting, into a positive role model that your spouse is overwhelmingly attracted to.

Getting your family on board is the last thing we think about when we start something new. We think about how good it is for us and all the ways that we are going to go about our new changes, without even a passing thought of what can happen in two weeks when the family gets tired of you cooking separate meals and not eating dinner together. Be mindful. Part of bettering your body is also bettering your brain. In brain, body, and business, be the best possible version of yourself.

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